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Crawford Leishman Dental

How Not Eating Contributes to Bad Breath

Did you know that going hours without eating can lead to bad breath? This is just one of many culprits that lead to foul-smelling breath and is often referred to as “hunger breath”.

What Causes It
When we consume food, our bodies use that food as energy. When we don’t eat as regularly or as often, our bodies use an energy reserve—our fat. When fat is broken down, it releases ketone, which can produce an unpleasant scent. That scent is usually released from the body through our breath.
Another culprit to bad breath—a dry mouth. The salvia your mouth produces controls your breath with fluid consistency and pH, helping you to wash away food particles, and keep Sulphur compounds under control. Saliva acts as a natural remedy to foul breath. When you go long periods without eating, your saliva flow decreases. The longer you go without eating, the lower the flow gets, leading to a dry mouth and bad breath. This is the way people suffer from the common plague of “morning breath”.

How to Get Rid of It
The good news is there are a few things you can do to avoid this common problem of bad breath. The obvious solution is to eat more regularly. Try eating small portions more often. If that doesn’t suit you, try drinking more or chewing gum—both of which will increase your saliva production. Anything that will keep salvia flow up will help you to avoid odorous breath. Proper dental hygiene and regular dentist visits will also help you to maintain a healthy mouth and good smelling breath.

How Not Eating Contributes to Bad Breath Crawford Leishman Dental dentist in Vineyard Utah Dr. Chris Crawford Dr. Rick Leishman Dr. Matt Fletcher

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